Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hot Soup - week 4

So, week 4 has come and gone and we are continuing to watch Rachel's foot improve. We have stopped going to hydrotherapy every morning, thank goodness! I still have to change the dressing but it's much easier now as the deepest part of her burn has begun to sprout new tissue buds (previously white, now red spotted) and the other parts of the burn have healed over with new, glossy skin. It's been quite a process to witness!
Her cute little toes seemed to have weathered the burn the best. They never lost their nails either, which is common in burns.
She was able to join Aubrey yesterday at softball try-outs and did FANTASTIC despite having to wear her slipper instead of a shoe on her foot. I guess the old saying of "Time heals all wounds" is especially true in her case!

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