Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Piano lessons

As many of you may know, I have been dreaming of the day we could have a piano in the house. I prayed and prayed, saved and saved, even got so close as to put a deposit on one once, but it was just never meant to be.....UNTIL NOW!

The house we are renting in Marquette is amazing and I have finally been blessed with a piano that the owners left behind. It's been many, many years since I played last (15 at least) but a few days after we moved in, I peeked in the piano bench and found a beginners book. Of course, the kids all wanted to learn, but Matt seemed to be the most interested, so I began teaching him.

Now it's been a few weeks and on Sunday, we had our first recital.

The girls also wanted to perform, although they haven't had as many lessons as their brother.

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